Approved Projects

Inflammatory biomarkers as independent prognosticators of 28-day mortality for COVID-19 patients admitted to general medicine or ICU wards: a retrospective cohort study

Project lead(s): Dr. Tyler Pitre, MA, MD (PGIM)

Epidemiology and prognostication of acute kidney injury in COVID-19 patients

Project lead(s): Dr. Tyler Pitre, MA, MD (PGIM)

Predicting mortality risk within the McMaster Multi-Regional Hospital Coronavirus Registry (COREG)

Project lead(s): Dr. Aaron Jones, MSc, PhD

Association between COVID-19 emergency department presentations and patient admission

Project lead(s): Edward Feng, Zak Zia

Presenting symptoms (age-specific) for patients admitted with COVID-19

Project lead(s): Dr. Mats Lyndon Junek, MD, FRCPC

Predicting delirium among patients admitted with COVID-19

Project lead(s): Dr. Andrew P. Costa, PhD

The interplay between hypercoagulability and hypoxia in COVID-19 patients

Project lead(s): Noam Raiter

Predictive factors of long-term adverse respiratory outcomes in patients with previous COVID-19 infection

Project lead(s): Brittany Salter, MD, PhD